Sunday, October 7, 2012

Get er done, girl!

My baby, my sweet little Care Bear, who is not even 2 yet, is hanging with the big kids. She hopped on the 4 wheeler and took off. The girl can steer and everything. I am so proud that she has the get er done personality. Well, except when she goes limp and turns into a pretzel when I am trying to buckle her into her carseat. For the millionth time I am going to desperately try and keep up with this blog. It's not easy raising 4 kids and having time to write everyday. But, I enjoy having the pictures and memories recorded. I am also desperately trying to learn more about PSE 10 and everything photography. I love taking pictures, I love getting this vision of what my photoshoot will be and then I add my 4 kids to that shoot and it ends up a three ring circus.

Yes, mother, I am a big girl now so move out of my way!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A post in pictures...

I took the kids out to take some pictures of them. It is hit or miss on what I end up with. Luckily, this time I ended up with a few good ones.

          A friend of mine, Jessica, took some pics of Katie. They turned out great! I love this one of her.

My sweet girl is growing too fast!