Sunday, October 7, 2012

Get er done, girl!

My baby, my sweet little Care Bear, who is not even 2 yet, is hanging with the big kids. She hopped on the 4 wheeler and took off. The girl can steer and everything. I am so proud that she has the get er done personality. Well, except when she goes limp and turns into a pretzel when I am trying to buckle her into her carseat. For the millionth time I am going to desperately try and keep up with this blog. It's not easy raising 4 kids and having time to write everyday. But, I enjoy having the pictures and memories recorded. I am also desperately trying to learn more about PSE 10 and everything photography. I love taking pictures, I love getting this vision of what my photoshoot will be and then I add my 4 kids to that shoot and it ends up a three ring circus.

Yes, mother, I am a big girl now so move out of my way!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A post in pictures...

I took the kids out to take some pictures of them. It is hit or miss on what I end up with. Luckily, this time I ended up with a few good ones.

          A friend of mine, Jessica, took some pics of Katie. They turned out great! I love this one of her.

My sweet girl is growing too fast!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

party at the ymca

The kids were invited to a birthday party at the YMCA last weekend. Since we have a pool we have never been to our local YMCA. The kids loved it and had a great time. We are thinking of building a tunnel slide in the backyard. ;-)


 Caroline waiting in line with daddy to go down the slide.

Caroline wasn't prepared for that!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Love ya Daddy...

This morning in church they sang a song that I have recently listened to since my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. It's called Always, and is a great song. The only problem is I can't sing it because it makes me cry. Ha! I couldn't quit thinking about my dad during this song and how glad I was that the chemo treatments he has been receiving are working. Here are some random summer fun pictures just for you dad...

Painting the roses red...

Over the weekend I decided to start a project. And I finished it!! I can't believe I finished it. Well, it's Sunday night and all I have left is the final clear finish, but hey, all the work part is done! Travis' aunt Sarah gave us two night stands that have been in the family for a long time and I have 4 kids so I can use all the furniture anyone wants to give. Anyway, I had the boys' room a red and blue theme at the old house and wanted to continue it here. Mainly because that is what I already have and because I like it. I wanted to paint the night stands red with a little distressing. It was so much easier than I thought and I think the first one came out great. I still have the other one to do. ;-)

Here is an up close of the distressing I did. It wasn't much, I am sure the boys will distress it more for me!
The whole time I was painting I kept thinking of the song in alice in wonderland... painting the roses red....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sun and sand..

Who doesn't love to go to the beach? The kids have a blast when we go and this year it was so fun to see all of them play together and have such a great time.

Caroline was a workin' girl. She had lots of ideas about how she wanted things done! She is so cute to watch.

We took the kids to an amusement park and they loved it. The older 3 loved the go karts and Gavin wanted to sit and watch the people bungee jump and ride this huge swing the entire time.

Caroline just thought it seemed like a good idea to ride the rides, but she cried on all of them!

Dolphin cruising!! Free cokes for kids!

I guess Caroline doesn't want to be associated with our family!