Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Run baby run..

Since it is the new year and I will be the big 30 this year, I would love to get in shape. Along with the other 30 million Americans out there. Actually, I am one of those people that are naturally thin. I usually don't talk about wanting to lose weight or get in shape around other people because their response is usually something like, "but you are already skinny, you don't need to lose any weight." Being skinny doesn't mean you are healthy or fit. Four months ago I couldn't even run around the block. I recently took up running and have found that it is a great way to exercise, especially if you don't like the gym or can't afford a membership. I love spin classes, they are probably my favorite cardio workout, and by adding running into the mix I am starting to see some results in my legs and  other areas. But I have a long way to go. My husband loves to exercise so thankfully he is a big motivator for me. I hope to be along side him running a marathon one day.  

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